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Welcome to Rapha Medical Clinic. Your health and wellness is a top priority for us. We appreciate the opportunity to be your health care provider and we are committed to providing quality and compassionate health care. Our goal is to have you participate actively in your health care so that together, we can effectively manage your health care needs and promote your optimal health and well-being.
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As your Medical Home, you can trust us to:


  • Take care of your short term illness and long term chronic diseases

  • Discuss your goals and how you would like to improve your health

  • Listen to you and address your concerns

  • Help you stay healthy by giving you easy to understand information

  • Respond promptly to your calls, questions, and concerns

  • Provide you with a list of after hours urgent care centers

  • Remind you when vaccines and tests are due

  • Notify you of test results in a timely manner

  • Help coordinate care with specialty doctors if needed

  • Provide valuable information via our website and other trusted resources

A Culture of Commitment and Trust 

As your Medical Home, we trust you to:


  • Follow the care plan that is agreed upon as best you can

  • Tell us about all medications and over the counter supplements you are taking

  • Let us know when you see other health care providers and ask them to send us a report about your care

  • Keep your appointments or call to reschedule or cancel

  • Call if you do not receive your test results within 2 weeks

  • Use the after hours line only for issues that can’t wait until the next work day

  • Call the office before going to the Emergency Room if possible so someone who knows your history can care for you

  • Learn about your insurance so you know what it covers or work with us to help develop a plan

  • Pay your share of the visit when you are seen in the office

  • Give us feedback to help us improve our services

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

9:00am -5:00pm


By Appointment Only

© 2013-2014  by Rapha Medical Clinic. All rights reserved.

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Our Office

980 321 5231 [Phone]

980 321 5238 [Fax]

1-888-659 2488 [Toll Free]

10922 South Tryon Street Ste A

Charlotte, NC 28273

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We accept most insurance plans

We accept Cash, Credit & Debit

Insurance and Payments
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